Top 5 cunts I hate today

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1. Dithering & dawdling cunts - get out of my way :mad:

2. Cunts with wheelchairs, push buggies or shop mobilitys - they obviously don't work so why do they feel the need to clog up the high street on a saturday arvo ?? :mad:

3. Cunts who insist on paying their NCP ticket with every single piece of loose change on them, despite the fact they have a credit/debit card in their purse or wallet that would take seconds... :mad:

4. Ignorant driving cunts who don't bother to thank you after you've let them out :mad:

5. You, whoever you are :ba:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
1. people that prey on the elderly and weak

2. Bono - the cnut's worth 400 million quid so get your own fooking hand in your pocket first before making everybody else feel bad, Hyporite. St Bono the hypocrite? | the Daily Mail :naughty:

3. Geldof - the cnuts worth >40 million (as above). People are starving ffs, so do something positive and dip into your own pockets first :|

4 & 5 everybody else that's made and increased their fortune on pure greed alone at the expense of others suffering


New member
Nov 9, 2005
This thread isn't as good as top 5 bummers or top 5 chinkies but al still have a go...

1. Referee who denied Sunderland a goal

2. Whoever picked an italian for the England job

3. Joey Barton

4. The **** who's makin me go to the jobcentre for an interview on monday

5. Someone on Soulseek whos put me in a massive queue


New member
Sep 14, 2007
1. people that prey on the elderly and weak

2. Bono - the cnut's worth 400 million quid so get your own fooking hand in your pocket first before making everybody else feel bad, Hyporite. St Bono the hypocrite? | the Daily Mail :naughty:

3. Geldof - the cnuts worth >40 million (as above). People are starving ffs, so do something positive and dip into your own pockets first :|

4 & 5 everybody else that's made and increased their fortune on pure greed alone at the expense of others suffering

Couldn't agree more mate :thumbsup: I'm so sick of them pair of egotistical fookers preaching to everyone else! Plus agree with Shooms about the dithering and dawdling people, especially at dinner time when you're trying to squeeze in shopping, doing errands and eating all into an hour, drives me mad! :mad:, but as far as the wheelchair comment goes :naughty: :moonie: Not all those who are in a wheel chair claim benefits.


New member
Dec 8, 2006
Bono and Geldof, not the most likeable twats but they have done more than anyone on here for 3rd world poverty and not one person on here knows exactly how much they give of their own money

I would say its a tad more hypocritical to slate them without knowing this


Active member
May 29, 2007
top 5 cnuts..

liking this.. this week -

1. People who obsessively obey speed signs... 50 mph, then coming into built up area.. right down to exactly 30 mph.. then on leaving back upto exactly 50. If youre reading this - yeah it was me who was right up yer arse all the way into work.. fucks sake.. live a little!

2. Speed cameras..

3. Nosey/snobby supermarket workers (mainly experienced at Asda or sainsburys) - its my shopping, ill spend as little as i like thank you..

4. moaning old bill/firemen complaining about shit payrises - fuck off

5. santa claus - take ya feckin' rosy cheeks elsewhere, youre not welcome here thank you.

feel better now


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
in no particular order

Ulrika Jonnson

Jack Frost for the frosty weather

people who read over my shoulder.. utter bad manners & it drives me apoplectic with rage :mad:

burglars. ~ k u n t s :ba:

actually, four answers will do, I cant even be arsed to have a full hitlist today :D

tricky nicky

New member
Sep 18, 2006
in heaven of course!!
shooms i make sure i take one of my service users out on a saturday into the town centre and wheel over random cnuts feets just to see them quietly seethe but not say anything cos they feel rude!!!!!!lol:D :D


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Bono and Geldof, not the most likeable twats but they have done more than anyone on here for 3rd world poverty and not one person on here knows exactly how much they give of their own money

I would say its a tad more hypocritical to slate them without knowing this

I disagree, on the basis that Geldof and Bono made a massive point on poverty in third world countries while they sitting on a mountain of cash. Even if they gave away 10 million pounds each, it's still less of a financial burden to them than to the average person giving away 10 quid to charity. Most people have to make sacrifices to pay their bills and mortgages, yet Bono and Geldof can buy whatever they like outright.

Therefore to preach to the millions of ordinary people about the starving in Africa seems really hollow when they the top .1% have the real spending power to make a difference.

It's much easier to go on a crusade against injustice when you have weeks or months of free time to fill and credit to them for raising the issues, but to go public and make a stance against an injustice while having the power to make a real difference themselves without breaking into their vast fortunes is hypocrisy of the highest order.

I'm not impressd when the like of Branson makes a 1 million pound donation to a charity. It's nice that they do that and it's a credit to them for making the effort, but for a poor person to donate a pound when they're struggling to make ends meet is a far greater gesture in my eyes:king:

Bono is worth 400 million pounds, he's flown a hat first class across the ocean ffs, he's spent 160 million pounds on Forbes magazine - which is the capitalists bible:S How can that make me a hypocrite to call him a hypocrite when he's the one raising the issues, looking like he's deeply hurt that people are suffering, yet squeezing as much money from capitalism as is possible:S

Him and Geldof are 2 of the worlds biggest hypocrites. They're the people with time to raise issues without actually harming their own savings:naughty:


New member
I disagree, on the basis that Geldof and Bono made a massive point on poverty in third world countries while they sitting on a mountain of cash. Even if they gave away 10 million pounds each, it's still less of a financial burden to them than to the average person giving away 10 quid to charity. Most people have to make sacrifices to pay their bills and mortgages, yet Bono and Geldof can buy whatever they like outright.

Therefore to preach to the millions of ordinary people about the starving in Africa seems really hollow when they the top .1% have the real spending power to make a difference.

It's much easier to go on a crusade against injustice when you have weeks or months of free time to fill and credit to them for raising the issues, but to go public and make a stance against an injustice while having the power to make a real difference themselves without breaking into their vast fortunes is hypocrisy of the highest order.

I'm not impressd when the like of Branson makes a 1 million pound donation to a charity. It's nice that they do that and it's a credit to them for making the effort, but for a poor person to donate a pound when they're struggling to make ends meet is a far greater gesture in my eyes:king:

Bono is worth 400 million pounds, he's flown a hat first class across the ocean ffs, he's spent 160 million pounds on Forbes magazine - which is the capitalists bible:S How can that make me a hypocrite to call him a hypocrite when he's the one raising the issues, looking like he's deeply hurt that people are suffering, yet squeezing as much money from capitalism as is possible:S

Him and Geldof are 2 of the worlds biggest hypocrites. They're the people with time to raise issues without actually harming their own savings:naughty:
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


New member
Dec 8, 2006
I disagree, on the basis that Geldof and Bono made a massive point on poverty in third world countries while they sitting on a mountain of cash. Even if they gave away 10 million pounds each, it's still less of a financial burden to them than to the average person giving away 10 quid to charity. Most people have to make sacrifices to pay their bills and mortgages, yet Bono and Geldof can buy whatever they like outright.

Therefore to preach to the millions of ordinary people about the starving in Africa seems really hollow when they the top .1% have the real spending power to make a difference.

It's much easier to go on a crusade against injustice when you have weeks or months of free time to fill and credit to them for raising the issues, but to go public and make a stance against an injustice while having the power to make a real difference themselves without breaking into their vast fortunes is hypocrisy of the highest order.

I'm not impressd when the like of Branson makes a 1 million pound donation to a charity. It's nice that they do that and it's a credit to them for making the effort, but for a poor person to donate a pound when they're struggling to make ends meet is a far greater gesture in my eyes:king:

Bono is worth 400 million pounds, he's flown a hat first class across the ocean ffs, he's spent 160 million pounds on Forbes magazine - which is the capitalists bible:S How can that make me a hypocrite to call him a hypocrite when he's the one raising the issues, looking like he's deeply hurt that people are suffering, yet squeezing as much money from capitalism as is possible:S

Him and Geldof are 2 of the worlds biggest hypocrites. They're the people with time to raise issues without actually harming their own savings:naughty:

You do not know, that is the point I am making.

If geldof was worth 40 mil and gave away 10 mil that would be a quarter of his worth. Do you give this? I dont so I could not slag him off.

If they were found to be giving fuck all themselves then they are hypocrites but we do not know so we should not judge, thats all I'm saying. Also they are not just preaching to us to give money they are preaching to the worlds leaders of the richer countries to help. Not just in cash, because cash alone will not help, but in fair trade and other ideas. Raising awareness and trying to embarrass people like George Bush into helping is a worthy cause in my books.

Its not like bono has all that money sitting around in cash, it is business and investments and who is to say that some money from them is not being fed to worthy causes.

Its like saying someone is guilty of a crime without any evidence and I'm sure we would all be pissed off if this happened to us. You specifically told them to dip into their own pockets first without knowing if they did or did not and if they did, how much.


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london

1. people that prey on the elderly and weak

2. Bono - the cnut's worth 400 million quid so get your own fooking hand in your pocket first before making everybody else feel bad, Hyporite. St Bono the hypocrite? | the Daily Mail :naughty:

3. Geldof - the cnuts worth >40 million (as above). People are starving ffs, so do something positive and dip into your own pockets first :|

4 & 5 everybody else that's made and increased their fortune on pure greed alone at the expense of others suffering

I'd be really surprised if geldof had as much money as bono. How did u work that out?
All I'm saying on the Bono / Geldoff thang is to watch this here :D

YouTube - George Michael - Star Stories pt.2

Absolute classic :D

"Do you think I troiiies to loiiike like a big wasp because it's fun ???"

"Now go & sing my foookin song !"

Also this is rather good :D

Bono passes on King of Twats crown

U2 front man Bono has finally stepped down as Britain's biggest twat. And, after spending 10 years the countrys premier tit, the pint-sized gobshite has decided to pass on his wanker mantle to fellow dick-head popstar Sting.

"I've had a fantastic decade as the UK's biggest tosspot" he told Radio 4's Jim Naughtie. "I've made cringeworthy speeches at the Labour Pary conference, I've campaigned on green issues while having my hat flown halfway across the world in a jumbo jet and I've used my vast wealth to pursue former employees through the courts for the return of a pair of trousers."

"I've acted like an absolute bellend to the best of my abilities, but now it's time for me to take a backseat" he added.

Bono refused to speculate on who would take over from him as the UK's foremost twat, but analysts belive it is practically certain that the appointment willl go to fellow arsehole Sting.

"Sting's got all the right credentials" an insider told us. "He bangs on about environmental issues while advertising Jaguar cars & Concorde, he says he lives simply but he's got 2 butlers and a private jet, and he reckons cancer is caused by 'undigested dreams'. The man is a an utter tool."