Why can't I scratch properly.....????????

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jjc tribute

New member
Jun 26, 2004
I have finally got my internet back up and running so here is a sample of my scratching. Like i have said i still have loads to learn and would appreciate some feedback (bad or good) :)

Nice bit of scratching, I'm no expert but the technique is good, the sample is cut clean & quickly. A good way to see how far u have come is to get one of your mates who has never really tried to scratch have a go... u can hear a huge difference. :thumbsup:

I'm using this to learn at the mo...

Stephen Webber - Turntable Technique The Art Of The DJ


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Nice bit of scratching, I'm no expert but the technique is good, the sample is cut clean & quickly. A good way to see how far u have come is to get one of your mates who has never really tried to scratch have a go... u can hear a huge difference. :thumbsup:

I'm using this to learn at the mo...

Stephen Webber - Turntable Technique The Art Of The DJ

I have just bagged one of these so gonna see how i go with it.

Adi Wilson I have the Qbert Dvd but its a bit hard trying to watch and then try remember what to do at the decks. Thanks for the offer though mate

Thanks for all your advice though peeps. Anymore tips will be just as welcome ;)


Active member
Oct 12, 2001
Been after the Q Bert DVD myself but I only ever see it for 20 squid and so never buy it - cause I'm tight.

Worth checking your mixer and making sure its good for mixing. I went to Grads and tried to scratch on his mixer, the xfader was really stiff and difficult to use. Best to have a xfader than you can almost blow from left to right. Also make sure you have the right settings for weights etc. The right needles etc.

Records can be a bit crap as well - come across some records that have a tight hole (fnaw fnaw) and some records have baggy hole or egg shaped hole.

Least you can blame them for now. ;)

I find I fall into the same scratch over and over again. You just have to practise a lot and get out of the old habits by trying new techniques - start with slower hip hop & rap instrumentals so that you don't have to do it so fast ?!?!

Robbie Chopper

New member
Mar 23, 2006
On the mo-fo'in 1's and 2's
Hi my names Percival and i cant scratch

Bob, i have exactly the same problem, i have taught myself a basic scratch using the volume faders (the up and down ones) but using the crossfader is the most unnatural feelings ever....(its like doing something with your left hand when your right handed, if you know what i mean.lol)

You see when i scratch using the volume fader, both hands are moving forwards and backwards but when using the x-fader one of them has to go left to right !!!!!! this just seems to freak out my brain and everything goes tits up from there.
I have just ordered the scratch tutorial thing from Hard to Find Records and think it is about time that i learnt to use the x-fader because when i hear scratching like the samples put up by Monty dj, it just makes me sick that i cant do it.

One thing i do know from when i taught myself to use the volume faders is that it takes A LOT of practise, so stick at it Bob and i'll let you know what the tutorial pack is like cos you might want to get one :thumbsup:



Apr 19, 2003
if you pm me your address retro andy i will send you a tutorial dvd by q-bert this will help you out no problem m8:thumbsup:

Has that dvd got a 'how to set up your decks properly' section on it?
I read that it has, but downloaded a torrent & lo & behold- no such section


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Has that dvd got a 'how to set up your decks properly' section on it?
I read that it has, but downloaded a torrent & lo & behold- no such section

I have it from a cough cough source and its all split into sections. One for each scratch and some battles etc.

There is no way of telling in which order they should be watched and deffo no deck setup bit or info about mixers , slipmats or vinyls.

Well folks.....only just got back to this post today after a heavy weekend.....:|

And Imust say this has been a damn good read.....had me laughin my cock off at points..........some excellent advice and good to hear I'm not alone....

Cheers to Leaky first of all......yeah we'll av to come over, it would be interesting to see you on some 1210's after all that time.....lol

And Monty fella.....nice work matey...very nice work and I am defo gonna try it out with some slow hip hope stuff.......cheers

Thanks to everyone else.....this is why this forum is sooooooooo good.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



Active member
Apr 8, 2006
Get a few beers get a few mates round show them what you can do :D good luck mate :D

If your going to spend time learning something get into Music Production thats where the real fun is :D heres a few of my tunes....


There is a Music Production section now so ask some questions in there,i use Mac Logic Pro 7 but i don't think i am going to get many question ask about Logic Pro 7....


Nov 21, 2001
Ive been mixing 5 years, and i cant scratch either :$

I guess you either have it or you dont, i think im past learning now!

Right folks......I ain't been mixing (properly) for that long....nearly 6 years now...

Since I got my decks I've tried the art of scratchin........nothing too major just the usual baby scratches and cut outs......using the classic Sy type samples...you know the ahhhhhhh sample and the beep.....

Anyway......is it something that some people just cannot do ???

I sometimes can do it and it sounds OK but eventually lose it......and I can't do the really quick cut ins and outs.......if ya know wot I mean....

I'm not askin much.......don't wanna bore people to death when I'm doing a set......just wanna be able to scratch decently in the comfort of my own attic...

Anyone else find that they've hit a brick wall.....or does anyone have any tips ????



Robbie Chopper

New member
Mar 23, 2006
On the mo-fo'in 1's and 2's
Ive been mixing 5 years, and i cant scratch either :$

I guess you either have it or you dont, i think im past learning now!

thats exactly how i used to think mate, my friend could scratch like a motherfucker and he said he could scratch before he could beatmix but it is definately something that can be learnt.
the basic scratches i have learnt have never progressed to anything more complex and varied only because i have never bothered my arse to try and learn any more !!!!!!
i'll be setting out on a huge mission over the next few months to up my skills no end. :thumbsup:


Nov 21, 2001
I've been mixing for about 16 years now (updating my last post on this thread :) ) and still haven't got scratching quite 'Mike Stewart' like I would like it.

Part of its practice and I have years on and off the decks due to other commitments. I've tried a few mixers, and have scratch carts, its nearly there but not quite. I thought about getting one of those new fangled mp3 mixers with all the buttons that do all the stuff for you so I could emulate a better quality of scratching, but I know it will be the road to ruin and I love the technics too much, so I'll just have to accept I'm not quite up to scratch (if you will excuse the pun).

Please bear in mind you will bollocks up plenty of records while practicing so buy cheap copies to practice with, my Shirley Lewis and PWM are almost unusable after years of practicing....